Terms of Service

This agreement describes the terms on which you are offered access to the game MoneyGame (later "the service"). By using the service you accept these terms and conditions, and understand that we reserve the right to modify the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy or the Game Rules at any time without explicit prior notice. To use the service you must be of legal age in your country or have permission from your legal guardian.

Compliance with the Game Rules and Privacy Policy is required. Violating any of the Game Rules will lead to limitation of access or complete account termination.

We are not liable for any damages that may occur during the use of the service. The service is provided "as is" without any warranty or assurance that it will work for you. We are not liable for any lost property or damages occurring in connection with the service including, without limitation, loss of items, accounts, characters or other data due to errors or changes to the service.

Last updated 27th May 2019

Game Rules

  1. Names of players, companies or any other game entity must not be offensive or unsuitable for children or a work environment, and they may not attempt to impersonate official staff members or game mechanics.
  2. Profanity, racism and spamming are forbidden in all parts of the game, including but not limited to entity names, private messages and forum posts.
  3. Abusing game weaknesses or bugs to gain an advantage in the game is forbidden.
  4. Using third-party software or hardware to gain an unfair advantage over other players is forbidden.
  5. Accessing another player's account, even with the account owner's consent, is forbidden.
  6. Advertisement of third-party services, including trading of game currency and other game assets for real money, is not allowed.
  7. Each player is limited to only one account. You are not allowed to play multiple accounts.

Last updated 8th November 2017

Privacy Policy

1. Registry Keeper
Saucer Software
Värimestarinkaari 5 A 9
05800 Hyvinkää

2. Contact Person Responsible for the Registry
[email protected]

3. Name of the Registry
Company's customer registry.

4. Legal Basis and Purpose of Processing Personal Data
The legal basis for processing personal information compliant with The EU's General Data Protection Regulation are - The customers consent (documented, optional, individual, aware, unequivocal) - Contract, where the registrant is a party - The registry keeper's justified interest (customer relationship) The processing of personal information is to keep up communication for the customers and collecting of data for tax and bookkeeping regulations. Data is not used to do automatized decision-making or profiling.

5. Contents of the Registry
Upon account creation we collect the customer's e-mail address, password (hashed) and any name data for the game. Posted messages (including forum and private messages) are stored. We also store all used IP-addresses and web browser user agent associated with an account. All content is stored as long as they are needed to ensure functionality of the service and compliance with local tax authorities. All data is stored in a datacenter in Helsinki, Finland.

6. Source of Information
Data stored in the registry is collected from customers via for example messages sent through our webforms, emails, phone calls, premium service purchases, contracts and other situations where the customer provides us with information.

7. Regular Handing Over of Data and Transfer To Outside of EU and ETA
Data is not shared with any other parties, unless required of us by law. One exception is contact details (character name, e-mail address) that may be transferred to our payment method partners for smoother payments. All data is stored in a datacenter outside of the EU/Europe, in a New York, United States facility under an EU model contract.

8. Principles of Protecting the Registry
Maintaining the registry is done with care and data collected by the system are protected appropiately. When registry information is stored on an Internet-server, the physical and digitical safety of the data is taken care of appropriately. All data is handled with confidence, and access to the data is only given to personnel who's work description includes access to the data.

9. Examination and Right To Correct Information
All persons in the registry are allowed to inspect the data that has been saved by them and demand correction of missing information or completing shortcoming information. If a person wants to inspect data saved about them or want demand correction, the request has to be sent in writing to the keeper of the registry. The registry keeper may require the verification of the customer's legal ID. The registry keeper responds to a customer during the time defined EU-data protection regulation (generally during one month).

10. Other Rights Regarding Handling Of Personal Information.
A person in the registry holds the right to have personal data related to the from the registry ("right to be forgotten"). The registry keeper may require the verification of the customer's legal ID. The registry keeper responds to a customer during the time defined EU-data protection regulation (generally during one month).

Last updated 14th April 2023