Help » Game Manual » Management: Production

Companies that produce resources (Electricity, Cement, Water, Grain, Caffeine, Herb, Toxoid) and items (Food Package, Medicine Box, Flu Vaccine, Boost Drink) have a "Manage Production" tab for directors. Here directors can set the total amount of jobs available and the daily wage for workers. Possible worker wage bonuses can also be defined. Directors will also see a list of currently hired workers, including an ability to fire them. A worker can complete a job once per day, producing a certain amount of product each time. Note that nothing will be produced if the workers don't work, so setting a competitive salary to motivate them is important.

Production of items requires the production company to own the required resources. You can see the needed resources under the "Manage Production" tab. You can buy resources from The Exchange. If the company does not have enough resources, workers cannot work and nothing will be produced.

Once resources have been produced, it is the company's task to sell them. You can sell resources by creating a Sell Offer as the production company on The Exchange. It is important to try to balance a good price for your resources based on current market prices and your production costs.

Weather Effect

The production speed of Electricity, Water, Grain, Caffeine and Herb is affected by daily weather conditions. Each country has its own weather, updated once per day based on real life conditions, which you can see under the World Map section. Key values are the daily max temperature, wind and precipitation (total rain amount). The base production speed is multiplied as per the formulas below.

Resource Weather Formula
Electricity 0.8 + windspeed / 20
Water 0.8 + precipitation / 10
Grain, Caffeine, Herb 0.8 + rain / 25 + temperature / 70 (Negative temperatures are treated as 0)