i have a couple ideas that the developer comunity could work on if admin green flags them
tools - potentially tools would be a new market doubling production if a company has them
renting - if a person sets a piece of land to rentable then anyone can rent the land and increase production for companies they are set for
multipule production - certain production companies could make several different types of products by setting it for the day so anyone working there would make the set product such as, valuable food (provides much more energy for a much higher cost) normal food(just normal) and cheap food(costs less and provides less)
furniture - if a person has a apartment then they can buy furniture which will provide ceratin benefits and would also use the multipule production idea
seperate markets - each currency or country has their own exchange and exchange companies buy products on one market to sell on another market and are the only companies capable of accessing all the markets or even several markets with each market buying and selling in their own currency
They are good ideas. More land is a must. We already have Droid workers, so why not droid buyers, droid renters, and droid newspaper readers, They will only pay based on how many articles a newspaper has and how much they charge. Multiple exchanges are a good idea and a global exchange. Having a company in another country's currency doesn't work if all extant is in USD. I pretty much thought of the same as tools, but instead, I thought of science. A research company would produce science, and other companies could buy science and spend it on production multipliers. Renting land is a very good idea. I heard that a hospital in another forum would be good, and the hospital would have a constant demand for flu shots and med boxes. I bet it wouldn't be that hard to set up so that every week, a new city appears, with all land for auction. Regular companies should not be capped at 10 workers. And banks should have like high interest deposits, which you cant withdraw but they earn a lot of interest for a week and then you auto withdraw them.
They are good ideas. More land is a must. We already have Droid workers, so why not droid buyers, droid renters, and droid newspaper readers, They will only pay based on how many articles a newspaper has and how much they charge. Multiple exchanges are a good idea and a global exchange. Having a company in another country's currency doesn't work if all extant is in USD. I pretty much thought of the same as tools, but instead, I thought of science. A research company would produce science, and other companies could buy science and spend it on production multipliers. Renting land is a very good idea. I heard that a hospital in another forum would be good, and the hospital would have a constant demand for flu shots and med boxes. I bet it wouldn't be that hard to set up so that every week, a new city appears, with all land for auction. Regular companies should not be capped at 10 workers. And banks should have like high interest deposits, which you cant withdraw but they earn a lot of interest for a week and then you auto withdraw them.
Regular companies should not be capped at 10 workers.
i think if renting becomes avaliable then if your company is using land(meaning it has been rented or is being used by a company under a holding company that owns the land) then it should be able to hire more workers at increased cost due to using the facilities of the building and construction companies could make specialized buildings that can only be owned by construction companies and the company type the building is for, which would allow to hire 4 times as many workers