Community » Forum » Business » The Depression!

Entrepreneur   VIP
We have entered a depression, let us all pray that it doesn't last long!! The prices of (almost) everything have dropped! It is the end of the world.

P.S It might only last 5 minutes, or it could last forever!
Businessman   VIP
medium companies aren't lowering costs for one with the exception of vaccines which are now 750 instead of 999 and water is at a better price than normal because most of when i have been here it have been at like 0.03 a liter grain is at .6 when i think it is normal to have .2 and i have not checked on electricity lately
Entrepreneur   VIP
I said it may last 5 minuites.
Entrepreneur   VIP
And I only meant base companies were going down. Also grain at .6 is only magin $0.1 per grain as production cost with a wage of 45 is about 0.5/grain. Water costs like 0.05/liter. So 0.03 is a loss. Usualy.
Businessman   VIP
from what i can tell the water market has always been dead
Entrepreneur   VIP
It hasnt, I have consistently sold water for 0.1 per liter, doubling my profits. 0.5 to produce, 0.1 sell.
Mogul   VIP
Electricity is a dollar. I have 2 food companies and because the electricity is so high in price I cannot make a profit. Grain is 1.8 dollars. Those prices are too high in my opinion. I already have the highest wages (50 dollars) in the whole game which doesn't help. I only sell my food for 23 dollars and I don't want to increase the price for my food. I literally can't make a profit if I want to have enough resources for my 25 workers every day.
Entrepreneur   VIP
I sell electricity for 0.24 each and 0.7/grain and 0.1/liter of water. You just need to wait for me to offer.