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Entrepreneur   VIP
The admin doesn't seem to have much time to work on this game. If he is not making money on the game, what is the harm of letting us help. I have coded for the past 5-7 years, and have plenty of free time. I love this game, and helping it grow would be amazing. If you have coding experience in web development such as JS, CSS, and HTML message me, or post on this forum. If you have experience in other platforms, also message me, or post on this forum. I am going to try to create a group called Developers if you have coding experience, I would love for you to join. Then Admin would be able to know which ones of us can code, and could inform us as a group if he would like help.
Mogul   VIP
Admin hire this man.
Businessman   VIP
I would join but i have no experience in any of those and little experience in python and that's kinda it
Businessman   VIP
so if it gets going i might join if i get a idea of how to code html
Entrepreneur   VIP
For examples of stuff I have made for the web over the years, here is a site. Though I have not updated it in the past like 2 years, and I have progressed a bit since then. I coded this site from scratch, every line is mine. mastercoder1323
Entrepreneur   VIP
Oh, and pricing is free. I need to change that, as I said, haven't updated it in years. One of my favorite games is p5 play ball game( need a good name) so try it, use arrow keys for ball. RED IS BAD More difficult than it seems.
Entrepreneur   VIP
And, I could try teaching through Developers chat, though I have little experience teaching. Just tell me if you want to join. May not be real time, or may find a time that works for all of us. Sent you an invite spacetinker(as of writing this I have not but will do it in like 20 seconds.)
Entrepreneur   VIP
Also, website is un finnished, data or contact info may be false. Person information was all faked, like I would put that stuff on the web. Also, I was like 11 when I made it. So more like a lot of years since I touched it.
Entrepreneur   VIP
By a lot of years i mean like 4-7 years
Mogul   VIP
I wish I knew how to code. I would really like to help but I have zero experience in coding. The only time I coded HTML is back in like 4th grade. There was a class teaching how to code HTML but I forgot all of it and all we did was website design and nothing else. We didn't even learn how to make buttons or stuff.
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